Wednesday, July 8, 2015

~ Carne*, the lost priestess ~

There was once a village, the elders say, where the women wrote the destiny of the whole nation with red paths in the soil. A village where the women had the power of knowing, of blessing, of guiding.
The village of the sacred blood, it was called.

Carne was already 15 years old and she did not had her moon blood yet... She dreamed at night, under the full moon, and she would ask the goddess for her blessing... She also wanted to walk the woods in secret gatherings, like the other women did, speaking to the trees and protected by the wolfs. She also wanted the red river down her legs. She also wanted to wear the sacred red dot in the forehead, the kumkum stained feet... She also wanted henna in her hands, tattoos down her spine.

The village was ruled by this blood wisdom but it was not the blood marks that the men were reading, for they were not allowed to look at the sacred blood. It was the flowers... The flowers that grew from the fertilized soil, much brighter, rare and bigger than any others, these flower made designs, and the designs were studied... And the designs spoke of love stories to come, climate changes to take place, children to be born and animals to gather. The designs were visible to all, but only by the next full moon, sometimes only by the next season...
So for now, for now only the red priestess, the women that bleed, knew the secrets. And the secrets would never be shared, not even during the hottest night, not even to the more intense lover or the more respected elder. The secret was always kept.

Carne did not belong to this group. Carne walked often with the boys and slept near the men. She was not allowed to come to the female area. She could play with the young girls of course, she would cook yes, but... No potions, no spells, no braiding was shared with her... Because she was not... Initiated yet.
She felt lost, cursed... Unloved. Only the red priestess wore skirts and Carne had to wear the thick pants of men... Her hair was long, never cut like it was tradition but this was the only mark or her... Goddess power... Her potential hidden inside.

There was a long spiral shaped labyrinth in the middle of the woods, made of trees, each tree was a woman, planted at the time of her birth. Carne's tree was there. Blooming no flowers, giving no fruits. She often visited that place and sat near the flame trees and their bright red flowers, the Apple trees and their tasty fruits, the almond trees and their small perfumed petals... She never sat by her own tree... She was ashamed of the dry trunk, it's naked branches. She was unloving of the small thorns that covered the bark.

One morning Carne walks around wearing nothing else but a pair of male like shorts - so different from the skirts only the priestess can allow - and falls inlove by her own quite unique reflection in the mirror, by her feminine nature, mixed with these boys attire... The shorts and pants keep the connection to the female energy of the earth stagnant, not welcoming its flow... and she always disliked them, for she always felt they were a sign of her powerless being... "Like a boy forever" she often felt. But today she fell inlove with this in between being, with no need to label it's nature or pointing out any flaw.
She saw herself so... Perfect in her uniqueness. She felt so whole and complete that she got aroused by the sight of her pointy nipples and so filled with desire she massages her own feet, holly to all cause they are the ones that mark the grounds; her legs, sacred to all for they get the paintings from the flowing blood with henna like designs; she caresses her thighs, worshiped by all for they support the womb; and loves her yoni and deep sacredness of the mysteries inside. It is not the first time she makes love like this. But it is the first time she rises from love, and does not fall. 
Later that night she leaves.
There is no pain and no resentment; no suffering and no doubt, she just leaves.
She walks the woods that night, and performing rituals she did not learn she gets lost in them. 
She comes back to her senses when the sun is out and cannot recognize any of the trees around her... There is no cave in sight and the sound of the big waterfall cannot be heard. She is far, she knows. She is days away from the village. How could she got so far and how is it possible now to come back? She sits down in the soil and for the first time she speaks to Mother Earth: "Dear Mother, I am your daughter, allow me to remember what I am here to teach."
She opens her eyes and stands up, she is sure a message is coming but cannot imagine what shape it can possibly take. She opens her eyes and sees it: a red mark, made of blood, stains the ground in front of her. 
She smiles, takes her hand to her yoni and gently opens her lips, the moon finger brings the bright red color and she marks her forehead with a small dot. She walks back home, following her own, sacred track. 
From now on she will be called "Hibiscus", the one that bloomed.

*Carne is the word for both meat and flesh in Spanish and Portuguese languages.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My own mother inspires me,
on what i do not want to choose as my motherhood path

Friday, April 10, 2015

I used to practice my acting

I used to...
I used to practice my roles - my lines, my emotions, my texts, my acting - randomly, during the day, just to check how my heart and my tears were still connected, my imagination and my smile still in tune.
"It is useful", I used to think, for this was the nature of my work.
I was wrong.
I am not an actress anymore, and it IS useful, it still is, for this is the nature of my LIVING.

Today I repeated (still know it by heart) a text I performed 10 years ago (10 years!) and I felt all the emotions, the changes, the nuances, the fragile excitement, the deep suffering (yes, it was a tragic play), and I cried, and I lived again that woman's life, in Lebanon, in the post war. Can't remember her name... but she came to visit me today, how unexpected! How magically unexpected.
Grateful for my life and all it's richness. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The mothers at the playground

Everyday I walk to the playground and I see them, the mothers.

Everyday I see the mother that comes and sits with her smartphone on her hand, blind and deaf to all her child's excitements: "mummy look at me! Mummy come!";
Everyday I see the mother that fears the dirty floor and the clumsy toddlers;
The one that runs to her baby when he falls down;
The one that just says "it's ok, you can get up by yourself";
The one that smiles to his happiness;
The one that cannot hear his screaming;
The one that sips coffee and can't put the cup down to help her daughter to the swing;
The one that plays with her son non-stop on the slide too narrow for her hip; on the seesaw, too fragile for her weight;
The one that takes her shoes off and runs with them in the grass;
The one that wants to sit, alone with her thoughts;
The one that gets emotional with her child's cry;
The one that smiles to the sound of the laughter;
The one with the stained t-shirt;
The one with the trendy shoes;
The one born and raised here, and the visitor, the emigrant, the expat, the tourist...
The one that looks for flowers; 
The one that collects seeds;
The one that is in a hurry;
The one that has all day;
The one that looks around embarrassed when her baby throws up; 
The one that lies on the floor next to her toddler when he goes tantrum;
The one that breastfeeds;
The one that carries purees and sliced fruit; 
The one that looses her patience and drags her kid out of the playground;
The child whisper calming them all with her magic;
The diplomat mom during a meltdown;
The fearless one under criticism;
The one on the non-ending phone call;
The one chatting with her friends;
The one running after her toddler;
The one letting them be;
The one telling them off;
The one encouraging him to climb higher, to run faster;
The one criticizing him for being so careless;
The one asking her to be quiet, to speak lower, to behave;
The one comparing heights and milestones "how old is she?";
The one embracing her child's uniqueness "it's ok, your doing great";
The one that compliments "well done", the one that enquires "how do you feel about it?";
The one that takes advantage and sits on the grass to meditate;
The one that can't help looking at her watch;
The one that sings happily;
The one that seams to grind her teeth;
The one who went to the hairdresser;
The one always with a messy bun;
The stroller addict;
The babywearing fan;
The new mom with a small baby enjoying the sun;
The mother of three, blowing me away managing it all;
The one sharing play time with the husband;
The one with the helper, the babysitter, the nanny to help;
The one followed by the whole family, the granny eager to help, the athletic uncle doing push-ups, the noisy cousins running around;
The one clapping to her son's strong kick;
The one offering water;
The one saying "you had enough food already";
The one protecting him from the cold with an extra jacket;
The one carrying his hat;
The one smelling his son's bottom;
The one kissing her daughter's hair;
The one insisting "share, you can play together";
The one asking "don't touch it, it is not yours";
The one letting him eat that food that he dropped on the floor;
The one wiping his hands so often;
The one carrying grapes and fresh fruits and the one that just bought a chocolate at the vending machine...

Everyday I walk to the playground, and I see them, the mothers.
Me? I do not judge.
Me? I am all of them. All of them in one.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Dark Motherhood chronicles

Today I did not want to be a mother.
Today I did not want to be a wife.
Today I wish I never really got to know my in laws.
Today I did not want my knees to hurt from squatting colorful playgrounds and I really did not want this headache from a night of broken sleep. Oh, I had headaches before, believe me, I did. But Is a headache from staying up with my baby the same as the ones you get from a whole night partying? I don't know, but today I wanted to find out. 
Today I don't want to wear my old havaianas, today I want my high heels back (yes, the red ones, yes the silk ones!) I want my miniskirts back and the cleavage you disprove.
Today I don't want organic food, I want to skip lunch and get drunk with wine and olives.
Today I want to get into that jeep and travel again half the world. Today I want to dance.
Just dance (not "helping my baby to sleep" dance). 
Today I want to be naked, but sexy naked, not (I did not manage to put my clothes on yet naked).
Today I wanted to be carefree and light.
I want to walk barefooted and spend all my money in a massage.
Today I want to wear makeup, go to the movies, flirt the night away.
Today I want to make friends, toons of friends, and drink beer with them.
Today I want to swim, in the ocean.
Today I want to... 

Taking back my power

Taking back my power...

Nothing can give us power. As nothing can take power away from us.
We are power.
I have a very dear friend who is a healer,she does the reiki/ meditation/ holistic work but we actually meet.. Partying!
Dancing and drinking in a bar!
And for months this is how we related,we hang out together,in bars,discos,parties! Well,somehow... celebrating!
In between drinks she used to say "are you aware your are a goddess?" , I used to go out in my sexiest outfit so for a while there.. I thought she meant I was "hot"! Ahahhaha!
After some time I got to know she was doing healing and she got to know I am interested in "these things" and we would get together and meditate and celebrate and.. She would still often say it "you are a goddess" and would insist "have you told that to your girlfriends,have you become aware of your power?"
I started to realize what she is talking about.. I started to work,respect and treasure this divinity inside of me.
This is empowerment, for me it is the power that comes from finding myself,from giving value to myself and showing it to the world. No need to please, no need to ask for sorry for my opinion, no need to hide my looks or use them to be heard or noticed. 
Be me and love me. This is the power I have been finding inside. 
With no need for approval, the power to just be myself."

Wound talk

My knee hurts and I know it's you again.
I mean it's me, again lost in the illusion of Me, reflected in You.
How deep is the wound i carry inside?
How addictive is the bullying I accept to perform to myself, like a ritual, over and over again?
How strong is the memory of those words I heard years a go (maybe lives a go!)? 
How was it that I accepted your opinion about me as the truth?
How was it that I heard you critics louder than your compliments?
Why was it so easy to accept that flaw you mentioned once, and so easy to sit with it, a monster flaw making my steps heavy, making my back bend, making my bed cold and my shoes just... Uncomfortable?
How was it possible the mirror no longer showing me the beauty of my wavy blonde hair but rather the messiness of a "not dark enough" head?
How was it that I accepted this as my truth?! When did it happen comparison joined my vocabulary and dimmed my light? How did I allow that to happen?
What was I looking for when I found... This? 
All our choices are done based on what we believe takes us closer to joy and further from pain...
How much joy was missing inside my chest? How much joy was away from my attractive breasts, my sexy legs, my strong back, my expressive hands, my long arms, my almond shaped nails, my delicate pink yoni, my firm bottom, my small ears, my fine nose, my hazelnut green eyes, my perfect eyebrows, my small feet, my ivory teeth, my warm and soft tongue, my fair and delicate skin, my elegant neck and muscled shoulders... My wide Shakespeare's heroin hair... My unique style!?
How much joy was I keeping away from my soul... My heart. My story?
It is all perfect, it is all full of magic, full of grace and strength, doesn't matter what words you choose to define yourself with.  
 How much beauty was I hiding from... Myself? 
I don't know. 
But those times are over and I am no longer accepting YOUR words to define ME. I am far too divine for that.
I might be alone, in the corner, licking my wounds but I am, now, closer from JOY then when I was with you.